
Showing posts from March, 2018


The group I worked with consisted of myself, Laura, Angus, and Dillion.   We didn't understand much of the brief of the module and how we are supposed to produce something within the time we had, however, we did come up with a few ideas after using Node-RED when we had workshops: * Barcode Product AR: I came up with this idea as I thought that by going into town and scanning barcodes it would let people know what items are on sale/ reduced. Adding to this idea, we thought that having an AR of different shops and/ or known buildings where information about them would pop up on the app would be useful for tourists who may be visiting Plymouth. This was a good idea as many people now days would like to know when there is a sale and then and there to save as much money as possible. The difficulty with producing this product would be that there isn't enough time to collect enough data for shops and their sale items, alongside this, producing an app that would fu...

Final Product

The project came to an end when the app was built. These screenshots show what the product looks like on an Android phone and how it customed to the screen. As you can see there is a start page which shows what the app will show and directions on how to use the app so that the person using it gets the most of what they are looking at. I feel that as a starting point for the app it has come a long way for me and the rest of the group as it shows that when we put our mind to something we would be able to achieve it. However, if we had more time to develop the app there would be some things we could do: - Make the starting page more presentable by adding a picture and some colour, rather than it being black and white - Make the wall bigger and see if there is a possibility to change the design to see the wall - Put the app on the Google Play Store so that people who would want to see their work, as well as others, can do so. Overall the project went ...


The start of this module introduces me to different smart technologies around the world such as the London Oyster Card and The Cloud. Technology is evolving rapidly, therefore looking into technology which would be useful to help me in this project would be beneficial. GPS: Looking into the evolution of the GPS, started as personnel for the US military and transportation units to obtain their location. The first for GPS satellites were launched in 1978 but did not reach full potential until 1995 as a minimum of 24 satellites were needed for full coverage. The use of the GPS has evolved massively, making it easier for cars to navigate to their destination as well as API's such as Google Maps to show the quickest route and average time to arrive at the destination. Psychogeography: Looking into Psychogeography got me thinking about Urban Environments and how they have changed over the many years. Defined by Guy Debord in 1955, as "the precise laws and specific effe...